Thursday, June 3

Bible Memorization (Part Two)

Why should we memorize scripture? For several reasons. As I have stated elsewhere, most Christians read their Bible a mere 5 minutes out of the entire year. The sad part, is that most don't even read it for a mere 5 minutes - they only think about reading it for about five minutes. There are approximately 525,600 Minutes in an entire year. Aside from sleeping, that's about 525,595 minutes that are not spent reading the Word of our Creator and Savior.

God's Word is fully inspired, he literally speaks through the writers. The study and memorization of scriptures is a direct command from God. Our purpose on this Earth is to glorify God and to save as many people that we can in the time allotted. But we cannot do that if we do not obey his commands. Unless we know God's Word and obey it, we will never be able to understand it. Pray for spiritual discernment, to understand the scriptures, before, during, and after you read. Memorizing scripture is a delight to our souls, and it keeps us from sin and folly. It improves our lives as Christians, and God wants us to have a willingness to read his word. When I began reading my Bible, I promised God I would read it from start to end, no matter how long it took. It has taken a very long time, I am now on Revelation, the last book. But that has no hindered me from studying other scripture. I have been asked if I will put my Bible away when I finish Revelation. This was my reply: "I will not stop reading, studying, and memorizing, until there is nothing left to memorize." In other words, once I finish, I will begin again at Genesis, with better understanding and knowledge of God's Word, and we never stop learning. Ever. So, I will not only begin again, but I will be studying several other books as well at the same time, just I am now. The ones I look into the most are Genesis, John, and Revelation.

Now, to start of, here are some practical tips when trying to memorize.

1) The TV is a big distraction, and can take time out of family time, or personal time with God. He saved us, there's no way for us to full repay him, so read his word! Turn off the TV, even if its for a half hour.

2) There are no special tricks, just consistency in memorizing, but if you have tricks or aids that will help, then by all means, use them.

3) If you are memorizing with an unrepentant and unwilling heart, it will not show in the fruits of your labor. You will not grow spiritually unless you repent.

4) Consistency, Review, and Repetition. This does not come without Discipline, Desire, and Dedication.

5) Do NOT be afraid to write and mark your Bible. In fact, it is highly recommended. Nowhere in the Bible does it tell us that we cannot underline, highlight, circle words, add post it notes to help us remember, we are just not to add the God's Word, but we may take as many notes and study in whichever way you chose.

6) Sometimes, writing out a verse and reciting it verbally helps, or doing flashcards with a friend or family member. If writing out a verse multiple times works better for you, by all means.

Now, allow me to give you some suggested reading. (Special Thanks to Gideon BS.)
  • The Ten Commandments - Exodus 20:1-17, Deuteronomy 5:7-21
  • The Sermon on The Mount - Matthew 5-7
  • Christian Love - 1st Corinthians 13
  • The Golden Rule - Matthew 7:12
  • Christ's New Commandment - John 13:34-35
  • The Righteousness of Faith - Romans 3:19-28
  • The Royal Law - James 2:8, Romans 13:8-10
  • The Greatest Commandment - Matthew 22:36-40
  • The Parousia (Return of Christ) - Matthew 24, 2nd Thessalonians 1:7-2:12
  • The Eschaton (Final Event) - Revelation 20:10-15
  • A New Heaven and a New Earth - Revelation 21-22
Now, if you are looking to memorize particular verses, say for example a friend or relative comes up to you and asks, what about swearing? Where in the Bible does it talk about that? Well, it talks about it in several different verses. Most Bibles have a Concordance, which would greatly help, or a Bible Dictionary, which typically provides the scripture.

One of the commonly used verses to show that we are not to swear is found in Ephesians 4:29, which says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

The Bible is also a history book. The best textbook I've ever read. I will outline some of the major events referenced or talked about in the Bible, and you may do with these verses what you wish. This is not a full list of where these events can be found, but isn't that the whole point of familiarizing yourself with the Bible?
  • The Creation of the Universe (Genesis 1 and 2)
  • The Fall of Man (Genesis 3)
  • The Flood (Genesis 6-9)
  • The Call of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-9)
  • Deliverance from Egypt (Exodus 1-14)
  • Dedication of Solomon's Temple (2nd Chronicles 5-7)
  • Captivity of Israel under Babylonians (2nd Chronicles 36)
  • Restoration of Israel after Captivity (Nehemiah 8-9)
  • Prophecies of the Messiah, Jesus (Isaiah 9:2-7, Psalm 22, Isaiah 53)
  • The Birth of Christ (Matthew 1:18-2:23, Luke 1:26-2:40)
  • Triumphant Entry (Luke 19:8-44)
  • The Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36, 2nd Peter 1:16-1:18)
  • The Last Supper (Mark 14:12-26)
  • Betrayal of Jesus (Matthew 26:47-56)
  • Arrest and Trail of Jesus (John 18:12-19; 26)
  • Death of The Messiah (Luke 23:26-56)
  • Resurrection of Jesus (Luke 24, John 20)
  • Ascension of Christ (Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:1-12, Mark 16:19)
  • Coming of the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:1-31)
I hope you have found this a helpful resource in some way. Be adventurous. Be creative. Try your own methods.  Be open to new and exciting possibilities.
Troy Hillman 

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